Inspiring education tour around Finland

Sumino’s founder and CEO Lancy Jia just came back from a tour around Western and Central Finland. She is tired, but inspired! 

The trip, organized by Business Finland in association with Visit Finland, presented a host of interesting destinations to a small group of educational tour organizers.  

Destinations with great potential 

“It’s inspiring, and I have discovered so many new places,” Jia told from a cabin in the Marttinen Youth Centre in Virrat, when Finn-Sino Education Club called her.  

The trip began on Monday, September 20, and before arriving at Marttinen, the group had explored the Jyväskylä region with all their senses. They also met representatives from interesting education related companies – and wild animals in Ähtäri Zoo! 

“I have seen so many potential places that could be promoted to Chinese education travellers,” said Jia.  

Focus on Asia 

The tour, officially called the “Educational Travel Fam Trip” continued to Jia’s hometown Tampere and the Häme Region, where more interesting places and companies awaited.  

Friday, September 24, the participants returned home.  

The seven people that joined the tour are all from companies dealing with educational travel. They are all based in Finland, and most of them are specialized in the Chinese or Japanese markets, Jia said.  

“Even though we all live in Finland, we don’t know everything.” 

Educational travel in the wake of COVID 

Lancy Jia hopes that educational travel will rise again after the pandemic. 

“COVID has hit the travel industry hard. Finnish education is famous, and could help bring more guests here,” she noted.  

On top of the great experiences and new ideas, Jia also hopes that the trip could result in new collaborations in the future.   

So stay tuned!