Finn-Sino ECA

Welcome To Sino-Finn International Alliance For Elderly Services

Who we are

SFIAES was established on May 12th, 2021. SFIAES is a non-governmental, non-profitable organization composed of universities, vocational colleges, educational institutes, technology companies and social welfare service institutions from Finland and China.

What we do

The mission of SFIAES is to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between Finland and China in regard with the elderly care education and the smart technology in the elderly industry. The key initiatives are,

Elderly care education

To promote the elderly care educational cooperation between Finland and China, e.g., teacher training, joint degree programs, student exchange/internship programs, and in-service training for the Chinese nurses/practical nurses.

Smart technology promotion

To enhance the technological cooperation between Finland and China, especially for the innovative, AI driven applications, robotics, equipment, facilities which are designed to improve the life quality and to ease the nursing procedure for the elders.

Talent exchange

To foster the elderly care talent exchange between Finland and China to solve the common challenge of the aging society. The well-trained human resources are treasures in all over the world.


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